Lirik Lagu Kylie Minogue - A Lifetime to Repair beserta Terjemahan, Makna, dan Arti Lirik Lagu
[Verse 1]
Cupid don't love me like he used to do
Dewa asmara tak mencitaiku seperti dulu
'Cause I'm broken-hearted way too soon
Karena aku patah hati terlalu cepat
I let my guard down
Aku lengah
A devil's gone and left me a bruise, mmm
Setan sudah pergi meninggalkan bekas
Rocks at the bottom, will I try again?
Titik nadis, akankah kucoba lagi?
Romeo still lives in my head
Romeo masih terngiang di kepalaku
Thought I would settle down
Terpikir aku akan tetap begini
When happy ever after'd been said, mmm
Saat senang pernah terucapkan
Six, five, four, three
Enam, lima, empat, tiga
Too many times I wish I'd never cared
Terlalu sering aku berharap, aku tak pernah peduli
Been torn and twisted, oh I swear
Telah terkoyak dan terpuar, oh aku bersumpah
Too many nights crying that it's not fair
Terlalu banyak tangisan malam, itu tak adil
If I get hurt again
Jika aku terluka lagi
I'd need a lifetime to repair
I'd need a lifetime to repair
I'd need a lifetime to repair
Aku harus perbaiki seumur hidupku
[Verse 2]
They told me stories and they got me good
Mereka ceritakan padaku cerita dan mereka membuatku terasa baik
Who's sayin' fairytales aren't true?
Siapa yang bilang dongeng tak benar?
If he saves me from the dragon
Jika dia menyelamatkanku dari naga
Well for that lovin', I'd be a fool, mmm
Untuk itu, aku bodoh
I'd overlook the stupid things he does
Ku abaikan hal-hal bodoh yang dia lakukan
Straight up forgive him when he's wrong
Sesederhana memaafkannya saat dia salah
When he's fallen off the wagon
Saat dia terjatuh dari gerobak barang
We'll still dance to our favourite slow song, mmm
Kami akan tetap menari dengan lagu slow favorit kami
Six, five, four, three
Enam, lima, empat, tiga
Too many times I wish I'd never cared
Terlalu sering aku berharap, aku tak pernah peduli
Been torn and twisted, oh I swear
Telah terkoyak dan terpuar, oh aku bersumpah
Too many nights crying that it's not fair
Terlalu banyak tangisan malam, itu tak adil
If I get hurt again
Jika aku terluka lagi
I'd need a lifetime to repair
I'd need a lifetime to repair
I'd need a lifetime to repair
Aku harus perbaiki seumur hidupku
They say that love is everywhere
Mereka bilang cinta ada di mana-mana
But it's a game of truth or dare
Tapi itu sebuah permainan kebenaran atau tantangan
Gimme that guarantee and I'll be there
Beri aku jaminan itu dan aku akan ada di sana
Heaven knows I tried my best
Surga tahu aku mencoba yang terbaik
Now I'm swimming in a sea of loneliness
Sekarang aku berenang di lautan kesepian
Wanna take that chance
Mau mengambil kesempatan itu
I wanna say yeah
Aku ingin katakan ya
Six, five, four, three
Enam, lima, empat, tiga
Too many times I wish I'd never cared
Terlalu sering aku berharap, aku tak pernah peduli
Been torn and twisted, oh I swear
Telah terkoyak dan terpuar, oh aku bersumpah
Too many nights crying that it's not fair
Terlalu banyak tangisan malam, itu tak adil
If I get hurt again
Jika aku terluka lagi
I'd need a lifetime to repair
I'd need a lifetime to repair
I'd need a lifetime to repair
Aku harus perbaiki seumur hidupku